by Black Wire Media Sunday Nov. 17th, 2019
Neal DeBenedetto is into Heavy Metal music in a big way. The teenage rocker wanted a "bullet belt", so his mom Amanda bought him the fashion accessory online February 7th 2018, and Neal, a Highschool junior, announced its' arrival on Snapchat, changing their lives FOREVER. The self-proclaimed "metalhead" & self-taught aspiring musician plays the guitar, bass guitar and drums never wore the belt to school, but thanks to a social media post where Neal announced, "I can't wait for my bullets" being misunderstood, DeBenedetto earned a ten (10) day out-of-school SUSPENSION for "disruption to the school climate" from Lacey Twp. High School and Ocean County Vo-Tech where he was studying to be an electrician. For tweeting about a fashion accessory! His life, as he knew it, was NOW UNDER A MICROSCOPE!
Worse yet this blown-way-out-of-proportion incident escalated a week later, the day after the Parkland, Florida HS shooting (Feb. 15th last year) when DeBenedetto shared a social media post originating from a HOAX post from South Carolina about the incident. According to Amanda, who we interviewed for well over an hour, Neal's comment, "Bless this Man" was Neal's attempt at a dry humor "put-down" version of "Bless His Heart", a common southern expression. Someone saw the post. The school was notified and Police were called; they interviewed the family on February 21st. After several hours the Police found NO threat, NO intent, NO firearms and NO ammo. The Police were VERY satisfied and their investigation was concluded. The matter was dropped! OR WAS IT?
The escalation itself spun OUT OF CONTROL and a new web that turned the family's lives upside-down soon emerged. An ADDITIONAL long-term, out-of-school SUSPENSION FOR 30 DAYS was doled-out by the schools, thus requiring a "homebound teacher" being sent to the residence. Trips back & forth for Amanda to pick-up & deliver Neal's homework assignments, missed and/or varied work times to make room in her calendar for all of this to happen, and the ever-present ANXIETY of not knowing what the mental health report---the ONLY thing that would allow her son to return to school---would say!
All this negativity weighed heavily upon every family member! DeBenedetto has younger siblings, and one was pulled out of the Lacey system over this debacle. Tensions ran high. Neal became trapped. A VICTIM of "Feel-Good" policies in-place requiring MANDATORY Psychiatric Evaluation and 4-5 sessions with a mental health professional PRIOR to readmittance to his classes! Said evaluation & sessions cost the family $2,500 out-of-pocket because none of it was covered by health insurance!
As part of the MANDATORY psychiatric evaluation process the Lacey Board of Education implemented, the DeBenedetto's were advised to "NOT HAVE ANY FIREARMS IN THE HOME" ---Amanda DeBenedetto
The DeBenedetto's had hired an attorney. By sheer coincidence this attorney worked for the Toms River Board of Education. Said attorney advised the DeBenedetto's to REMAIN SILENT as our original Lacey HS anti-gun story went viral a month later with 2.3 million reached on Facebook alone! Amanda was present at the very wild & videotaped Board of Education meeting that resulted over the illegal & unconstitutional policy we screen shot and shared in March of 2018! She waited silently, patiently, for the ruckus to end so the Board COULD VOTE TO HAVE HER SON READMITTED TO SCHOOL as one of the last pieces of business that evening! The attorney stopped returning phone calls after the suspension was concluded, the evaluation report was submitted and her son was returned to school. The family is presently seeking another lawyer to represent them in this matter, and they are NOT afraid of publicity.
DeBenedetto's bizarre story takes place a month prior to our original Lacey Twp. story that went viral in March of 2018. Those two High schoolers were at a shooting range with a legal AR-15 sporting rifle, posted a photo on social media of same and violated the ILLEGAL Lacey Twp. anti-2A School Policy Handbook that forbids ANY contact with firearms, ON OR OFF school property! We thought when ANJRPC's attorney Daniel Schmutter, the attorney for our NRA state affiliate, wrote a cease & desist letter to the Lacey Twp. School Board last year that we'd heard the last of their anti-gun, anti 1st Amendment ways. Looks like our hopes were SHORT CIRCUITED!
Now 18, Neal has graduated high school as of June of this year. His plans to establish a Metal Band were interrupted; friends to "jam" with weren't allowed over the house due to their fearful parents, and now Neal is trying to find "the new normal". To add insult to injury, DeBenedetto has a certificate for "PERFECT ATTENDANCE" during the entire semester he was told to STAY HOME!
When "Feel-Good" rules are compounded, RIGHTS are thrown onto the altar of Gun Control. Call this story a juvenile RED FLAG LAW run amuck! Any procedure, ruling, policy that sounds good, feels good (to SOME), disarms & prohibits families from owning firearms and promotes a solution to a problem that truly doesn't exist is WRONG on so many levels. We wish this family well and be "made whole", because it seems it's the only way Lacey will change its' UNCONSTITUTIONAL, gun-grabbing ways!
---The Editors
by Black Wire Media Tuesday Nov. 12, 2019
The DC Project's Dianna Muller has been getting a lot of "ink" lately rallying for the gun rights of all Americans. Running her successful DC Project, a week-long crusade of 50 women, one from each state, on Capitol Hill pounding on doors & making meetings with US Senators, Representatives, and their staffs last July, testifying before Congress last month on a proposed Sporting Rifle BAN, and speaking to thousands of gun owners from around the country at last Saturday's 2nd Amendment Rally, held on the west lawn of the Capitol building along with Top Shot's Chris Cheng & dozens of others. The pair were invited into the Lion's Den to discuss corporations' efforts at gun control. With targets "painted on their backs", they stood up to some mighty powerful people.
"This entire experience scared the hell out of me. Watching a very powerful media and very powerful CEO's orchestrating efforts to CONTROL THE PUBLIC POLICY AFFECTING OUR GUN RIGHTS, the life blood of America. This feels more like an oligarchy to me, instead of capitalism and America. But "their" side is hell bent it will make America safer and I'm not sure they are interested in trying anything other than their plans to REMOVE GUNS FROM SOCIETY!" ---Dianna Muller, founder The DC Project
The NY Times of course slanted their article (see Muller's link in caption), and at times made the pair truly uncomfortable. Deliberately misquoting them and belittling Cheng by picking a quote about how nice Levi's jeans are, they felt the full force of an out-of-control 4th estate. It's open season on gun owners, and women & gays are equally treated as disenfranchised subjects who's rights of self-defense fall short on the altar of gun control.
----The Editors
by Lawrence J. Braico for Black Wire Media 11-12-19
Can you say Star Chamber?
Yet again we see the truth in the cliché “First Gun Control, Then TOTAL Control.”
First, for years we've been watching, (some of us fighting against), as the most basic of the ten rights of The Bill of Rights, (i.e. Article The Second), is commonly denigrated and betrayed, ( to greater and lesser degrees), by all three branches of government, (State and Federal); while the media (print and electronic), cheers it on...
Then along comes a bold new attack on the Second Amendment called Red Flag Laws, this time pulling out all the stops of American jurisprudence as embodied in the essential basic tenant of Due Process; - and what is the result? You got it: due process can now be treated not as a sacrosanct part of any American court procedures, but as a not-so-essential relic of the past in all current day judicial proceedings.
The floodgates of tyranny have been opened. Example the present attempt by the party of "gun control," (i.e. Democrat), to clandestinely unseat duly elected President Trump through tactics of biased, closed door, non-transparency. Where open justice used to be the norm resorted to by "We the People," it can now be replaced by proceedings reminiscent of the state imposed isolation of the closed door Star Chamber courts of yesterday's Medieval kings, and monarchs as well as modern day communist nation tribunals worldwide. [Here at home] one would hope such deviations from treasured Americana would not be endorsed and bolstered by pseudo intellectual elitist members of New Jersey newspaper editorial boards. Unfortunately such is not the case when it is the Second Amendment that is their common target.
Governor Phil Murphy and his democrat ilk like to call themselves pro-gressives, but all I see here are very serious re-gressions into the dark recesses of the Star Chamber past and an extreme insult to New Jersey's glorious claim to be the first state to ratify the Bill of Rights.
Freelance contributor Lawrence J. Braico has witnessed the steady drum beat of anti-gun laws being INCREMENTALLY applied throughout his lifetime. His analogy to willful persecution by a vengeful King of years gone by is not such a stretch---for once DUE PROCESS is shelved in other so-called "EMERGENCIES of inconvenience" besides firearms confiscation raids, where will it all end? Where will us citizens continue to enjoy ALL the freedoms our Veterans all fought so hard to protect? The slippery slope of "The END justifies the MEANS" has been thrust upon us all. Pandora's Box has been opened! We must all yearn to put the Genie back into the bottle! ---The Editors
by Black Wire Media Sat. Nov. 9, 2019
CNJFO is a proud Member Club of The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC), the official NJ state NRA association. We're the only independent 2nd Amendment group that is. We ran a matching funds campaign netting a $5,500 donation to ANJRPC last September, for use offsetting the expenses incurred bringing their Rogers carry case---currently being "held" by the U.S. Supreme Court! We're the only independent 2A group in NJ that supports & attends rallies, provides speakers, and works closely with groups such as The Well Armed Woman, Second Amendment Women Shooting Club (SAW), The 2nd is for Everyone Diversity Shoot, The DC Project, and others. Several of our members & friends volunteered to help make this extraordinary promo video, long a dream of Kathy Chatterton, ANJRPC's President, that spearheaded the effort. We hope you enjoy it and share it with everyone on your friends list! CLICK HERE for the video!
by Black Wire Media Saturday Nov. 9, 2019
"This will never happen again" is merely WISHFUL THINKING! When politicians running for President have no problem tipping their hand regarding GUN CONFISCATION! When they sacrifice their own false campaigns (I.E.: Beto O'Rourke). When they PULL mainstream media so FAR to the left that INCREMENTAL GUN CONTROL seems "reasonable", the Anti's are WINNING! Are YOU smart enough to grasp it? Or are you IGNORANT of history? It's Alinsky tactics, and IT WORKS! If it didn't work, complacency wouldn't be tolerated and CNJFO would have a 1/2 MILLION gun-owning NJ residents as MEMBERS! #DoSomething before it's too late! JOIN HERE:
“JUST MOVE” (and Why it Doesn’t Work)...
By: Alex Gubenko for Blackwire Media November 8, 2019 Meme contributed By: John Rekesius.
Don’t like New Jersey? Just move. On July 27th, 2018, I closed on a house in the Richmond, VIrginia area. My family and I were relocating because I was offered to leave New Jersey by my job. I was excited to escape the oppressive New Jersey taxes and laws, especially the gun laws. Some of the first things I did was to apply for my Concealed Handgun Permit, buy some new magazines that I was previously forbidden from buying, and joined the VCDL (Virginia Citizens Defense League.) Life was good and the Virginia firearm owners had nothing to worry about. Right?
May 31, 2019 there was a mass shooting in Virginia Beach and a special session was called for the General Assembly in response. Members of the VCDL (including myself) as well as the gun control supporters packed the Assembly chamber while the politicians debated the need for more gun control. At the time the Virginia General Assembly was barely favored toward the right. The session ended in 90 minutes after the Republicans called for a postponement of voting on any new laws. Crisis averted! We could all sit back and relax...right? Even though Virginia’s governor is a Democrat, we’re safe because the Virginia House and Senate have a Republican majority.
November 5, 2019, Election Day. Basking in the glow of the 2A rally from the previous weekend, I headed out to vote. The Republicans lost the majority of both the House and Senate for the first time in 26 years. Wasting no time, Governor Northam announced that he will reintroduce all of the failed gun control bills once the Democrats have taken over the majority. The bills he has at the ready, if passed, would make New Jersey and California seem like the proverbial Wild West that the gun-grabbers are always referencing.
So here we are today. Threatened with being back in the same situation that I was in before in regards to firearms. What does one do? Just move? When does it end? Let me tell you, it doesn’t. There are plenty of George Soroses and Michael Bloombergs out there who think they know what’s best for you and are willing to throw money at it until their vision is achieved. Firearm owners of the United States need to change their mindset and behavior. We cannot sit back in the “free” states pointing at those poor suckers in the ones with mag limits. We cannot just move and expect the free state you’re moving to to stay free. And we cannot just accept our fate and turn in our guns or bury them in the yard at every whim of those who oppose the Second Amendment. We need to come together. We need to work as one. You can’t run forever. So what are you going to do? Stop being a spectator and become actively involved in the fight? Or just lay down and accept defeat? I know what I’m going to do. Who’s with me?
Alex Gubenko was born under the thumb of totalitarianism in the Ukraine, where FREEDOM was a prohibited concept. His family emigrated when he was just 2. "My family took me out of a communist country and I refuse to sit idly by while people try to turn the US into that!" A naturalized US citizen and gun owner (funny how THAT seems to always be the case, isn't it?), Gubenko joined the Coalition years ago, and was quite active at Rallies & Protests for GUN RIGHTS. The Editors
by Black Wire Media Wed. Nov. 6, 2019
The Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners is proud to announce its' Vice President, David "Rosey" Rosenthal, will be giving a presentation TONIGHT at the Nov. 6th meeting of the Skylands Tea Party, being held at 7pm at the Hampton Diner located just South of Ross's Corner on Rt. 206 North. Spanning almost 5 decades of firearms experience & ownership, Rosenthal's presentation, given earlier this year to the NJ Constitutional Republicans, will highlight how overbearing NJ gun law really is, and how those we elect to public office continue to erode our sacred Constitution through application of layers of gun laws designed to disarm the populace through FEAR. The PUBLIC is invited to attend! CLICK HERE for a video of Rosenthal giving a speech!
CNJFO Members Attend 2A Rally in DC! Banner Proudly Displayed!
CNJFO thanks members Bernadette Carroll, Judie Adey, Doug Pinkerton, Alex Gubenko, Jorge Matise and countless others who brought the CNJFO banner to Washington D.C. yesterday for the #2A rally. Several #2A heavy-hitters rallied and energized the crowd with their speeches. Speakers included Anthony Colandro, Dianna Muller of the DC Project, Joshua Prince, Maj Toure, Jeff Knox, Cheryl Todd, Kelly Pidgeon, and Top Shot Chris Cheng. We are grateful to our members and these speakers for showing the world that the 2A community is diverse, dedicated and educated.
Editors’ Note: CNJFO Banner is the featured photo from yesterday’s rally as posted by Newsweek. Photo Credit Roberto Schmidt/Getty Images.…
By: Black Wire Media Thurs. Oct 31, 2019
Dick Heller messaged The DC Project's NJ delegate & CNJFO Communications Director Theresa Inacker to coordinate a brief "thank-you" to our Patriot / Volunteers for their 2A activism! So look for our banners (see photos!) for a chance to MEET DICK HELLER! The Saturday November 2nd 2A Rally, the biggest in a decade, is on the lawn of the Capitol building and due to start at 12:30pm. Gun owners from the entire countryside are flying-in, taking trains & buses or driving to Washington, D.C. 2A notables from NJ include Anthony Colandro, Inacker and others. For Rally info on speakers, parking & transportation go to:
by Black Wire Media Wed. Oct. 30, 2019
Story UPDATE: Part of us wishes this UGLY story turned-out to be completely false and we take the HEAT for it & lose some credibility trusting a Marine & our "gut". That unfortunately is NOT the case, as Anthony Colandro, the outspoken and flamboyant 2nd Amendment "Tip-of-the-Spear" owner of Gun For Hire's Woodland Park Range, did yesterday announce in one of his now-famous, "Ant's Rants", that the Mike Harky story is indeed TRUE and this hero disabled combat Vet now faces 3 YEARS in state's prison for possessing (2) empty 30-round standard capacity rifle mags w/o the rifle OR ammo to use them! Colandro confirmed all of this with Harky's counsel, Evan Nappen.
A CNJFO platinum sponsor since our inception, Colandro, the NRA's 76th Bo. of Director & Executive VP of the NJ State NRA Association, "ANJRPC", is on a rampage over this, as he should be. Having warned NJ gun owners (and through hearing testimony, the politicians that made the MAG BAN law---in spite of his warning!) that things like this would happen, this ugly mess is square in Colandro's wheelhouse. We expect his speech at the November 2nd D.C. Rally for Gun Rights, being held on the Capitol lawn, MAY include some not so kind words for our NJ politicos that rammed-through so many UNCONSTITUTIONAL laws to persecute us, the law-abiding CRIMINALS of NJ!
Those interested in going to this Saturday's D.C. Rally For Gun Rights can find more info HERE: .
Belonging to & supporting groups like ANJRPC and the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners (CNJFO) are your best way to stay informed on important issues and to help FIGHT UNCONSTITUTIONAL gun laws! We're proud to partner with our state NRA Association, so please consider joining & supporting BOTH groups!
CLICK HERE for Colandro's video....
We sincerely thank Mr. Colandro for pasting our news breaking story to his "Ant's Rant" above and pray for Mike Harky to be able to walk away from this travesty of the NJ judicial system! PLEASE SHARE FAR & WIDE!
Copyright 2020 CNJFO, All rights reserved