by Black Wire Media Wed. Feb. 12, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Grass Roots! All politics are local! My God look what we've done in a single evening! "They" said don't bother, "They" said it has no teeth, "They" said it's meaningless. "They" said Cheeseman's SCOTUS case was a pipedream. Well, to HELL with all of the Naysayers! NJ's law-abiding gun owners are WOKE, and they're witnessing history, seeing RESULTS and want to get IN THE GAME! 5 towns and another county passed 2A Resolutions in a single evening last night!
FREEDOM's fire has been lit and thanks to guys like Mark Cheeseman & Jay Factor breathing life into NJ's 2nd Amendment community with SCOTUS case #19-27 (still on-HOLD!), gun owners are waking up & FIGHTING at last! They're sending 2A Sanctuary Resolutions to their counties & towns in a public display of sheer patriotism. And they're GETTING RESULTS! Non-partisan in nature, the litmus test for this group is a piece of parchment many lawmakers wish never existed: The Bill of Rights!
A word from Mark Cheeseman:
December 23 2019 the Second amendment friendly town and county resolution concept was born. Through the hard work boots on the ground effort of both Northern and southern New Jersey people, we are quickly educating the public and local community governments. Make no mistake, our intentions are to send a clear message to Trenton and the current administration. We the law abiding firearms owners are indeed a force to be reckoned with. We will not rest we will not waiver from our goal of getting our Constitutional rights back. We will indeed prove that we the people will not be infringed upon. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. ---Mark Cheeseman, SCOTUS Petitioner
To "GET IN THE GAME", learn more about the 2A Sanctuary Movement, what to do, how to do it, where the meetings are, and how to find help to become a "Sanctuary Soldier", go to: https://www.nj2asanctuary.com/
by Black Wire Media Tues. Feb. 11, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Jack Lane, age 12, from Union Co., NJ, using his Dad's Charter Arms .22LR double-action wheelie (revolver) for the first time Monday night at the Union Hill Gun Club range in Monroe Twp., NJ. Showing care in every single-action cocking of the gun's hammer, we think this 6th grader is well on his way to a forever relationship with firearms in a GOOD way! Hats off to CNJFO supporter & Hog Hunter Scott Lane for a job well-done! Parents if you desire to have your sons & daughters taught SAFE firearms handling, CNJFO is once again teaching a class that's FUN & EDUCATIONAL! For details visit
Second Amendment advocate, gun owner and Vernon Twp., NJ resident Jessica Bennet has called-out Sussex County's newspaper of record, the NJ Herald of Newton, NJ, for not printing her Letter to the Editor. Bennet wrote to the Herald in response to its coverage (or lack thereof) of the NJ 2nd Amendment Sanctuary Resolution movement which actually got its start in neighboring West Milford Twp. last year. Two weeks ago Vernon Twp. held a Town Council meeting, and several Vernon residents spoke on the 2A Sanctuary issue, with a former educator stealing the limelight from Bennet and several other 2A supporters. In the two weeks since, the newspaper has gone about its business, which is to say at a minimum, a constant "feel" of anti-Second Amendment reporting. In an attempt to balance the Sussex Co. newspaper of record's omission, we bring you Bennet's thus far UNPUBLISHED Letter to the Editor:
"Former educator Bob Kirchmer cited the devastating murders of Giorgio Gallara, and Jeremy Giordano as evidence of the need for red flag laws and gun control.
Red flag laws and all the gun control in the world would not have prevented these murders. The perpetrators of this crime used STOLEN guns to commit the murders.
There were no background checks, no mental health checks, no character references, no anything. They used stolen guns to commit a crime, as lawbreakers do. Further supporting the point made multiple times at Monday’s Town Council meeting, gun control does nothing to prevent law breakers from committing crimes, it only hurts law-abiding gun owners.
These types of activists support their arguments using stories that tug at your heartstrings to shift you towards emotional rather than logical thinking. That’s most likely why Bob mentioned these killings, he knows the community is sensitive to them. It’s sad someone would sink so low and re-open an old wound to try and support his unfounded, unconstitutional argument.
Furthermore, the murderers were both products of a broken home. Look at statistics and you’ll see most mass shooters also come from broken homes. The answer to America’s problem isn’t gun legislation, it’s fixing the breakdown of the family structure and sufficiently treating mental illness.
Several weeks ago a 2A rally was held in Virginia where 20,000 gun owners carried 20,000 guns, not a single shot was fired. That weekend in Chicago six people were murdered by criminals using ILLEGAL guns.
Stripping down our Second Amendment doesn’t protect the public, it hurts law abiding citizens and makes us all more vulnerable to criminals.
We 2A supporters also plan on returning if this resolution goes to a vote. The difference is we have the truth, and the constitution on our side.
Jessica “Bennet”, Vernon"
Original NJ Herald story (for reference) of January 29th, 2020 can be found here: www.njherald.com/…/second-amendment-draft-resolution-sparks…
When fairness in reporting is at issue you can always count on CNJFO to get the TRUTH to our readers. We welcome our frustrated readership to supply factual accounts and up-close, clear & sharp images of happenings throughout NJ as we can't be everywhere at once. Our Editorial staffers attended the Richmond, VA pro-2A Rally Ms. Bennet mentioned in her piece, and stood side-by-side with all those thousands of open-carrying gun owners, never feeling safer
by Black Wire Media Friday Feb. 7, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
The Second Amendment of the U.S. Constitution came alive as CNJFO's Communications Director, Theresa Inacker, enthralled the crowd at last night's The Well Armed Woman Jersey Shore OC Chapter meeting held at the Garden State Shooting Center in Lakewood, NJ. Using her extensive notes, vast subject knowledge as a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, and her own firearms knowledge as a victim of NJ's scheme of attempted back-door gun-grabs and unconstitutional gun law, Inacker's presentation covered a highlight summary of several former & pending 2nd Amendment cases going back to the famous Heller decision of 2008. TWAW chapter leader & CNJFO volunteer for our Youth Day at the Range, Heidi Bergmann-Schoch introduced Theresa to her members.
Inacker's lecture was very well received as the enlightened audience enjoyed hearing about how her friend Dick Heller won his landmark case which set the stage for all future 2A Supreme Court cases. Keeping her highlights of the technical subject matter easy to grasp, Inacker then touched on several subsequent cases, including the Rogers carry case brought by the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs and NY State Rifle & Pistol Association's transport case (which already saw oral argument at SCOTUS).
Scanning the well-publicized 2nd Amendment Cheeseman case documents being passed through the room, gifted to the Coalition by SCOTUS Petitioner, 2A Heavy-Lifter & NJ resident Mark Cheeseman, TWAW members responded with multiple questions, and Inacker gave poignant answers. She also covered the Coalition's role in helping pay for the Cheeseman 2nd Amendment case through CNJFO's matching funds campaign which raised over $11,000 toward the filings. The Cheeseman case #19-27 is one of several "On-Hold" at the U.S. Supreme Court.
Inacker's leadership roles as both CNJFO's Communications Director & The D.C. Project's NJ Ambassador were explored, and she also asked for female volunteers to assist her in developing a NJ-based D.C. Project group that will visit NJ legislators at our state capitol. Asking for volunteers to step-up and do committee work with the Coalition, Inacker chatted about CNJFO needing a picnic committee chair and other ways of helping including JOINING the organization. "Lots of ways to help us & have FUN doing it" Inacker said.
Upon conclusion of the Q&A, CNJFO Vice President Dave "Rosey" Rosenthal then conducted a FREE door prize raffle using the Second Amendment Foundation's two new paperbacks gifted to the Coalition by CNJFO sponsor & SAF founder Alan Gottlieb, hats from platinum sponsors NRA and Henry Repeating Arms, a couple D-Lead Wipe towelette bottles and our popular "Charlie-the-Perp" shooting targets.
Additional "Charlie" targets got pumped full of holes at the informal range session which followed the meeting, with several TWAW members joining Inacker and Rosenthal in Garden State Shooting Center's friendly range. Every Thursday is "Ladies Night" and features specials on rentals & ammo too. The Coalition proudly tendered several new applications for membership last night (thanks to all), and reminds everyone that online registration is available 24 hours at: www.cnjfo.com/join-us. Our online store can be reached at: www.cnjfo.com/Store where you'll find hats, shirts, Charlie-the-Perp targets & MORE!
Future plans are underway for Inacker to continue her tour of New Jersey spreading our 2nd Amendment message, so watch for news of an appearance near you. CNJFO wishes to thank everyone for attending last night's lecture, especially TWAW Chapter leader Heidi Bergmann-Schoch, and TWAW Range Officers & CNJFO members Pete Beringer and Grant Gallagher. For more info on TWAW Jersey Shore OC Chapter, go to: https://www.facebook.com/TWAWJerseyShoreOC/ or visit TWAW website at: https://twawshootingchapters.org/…/nj-gun-training-for-women
by Black Wire Media Thurs. Feb. 6, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
3 lives lost due to yet another tragic domestic violence story here in Penns Grove, New Jersey. The ink wasn't dry yet on the two week old Restraining Order of Protection issued by a NJ Court when the estranged husband & father of the two kids most likely MURDERED his entire family and then committed suicide in a nearby woods. Early reports don't list a cause of death, and that always begs the question WHY is the person who files for a RO always forced to disarm when they need the tool(s) to protect themselves & their offspring the MOST? More BLOOD on NJ Legislator's hands? We might never know! This mother of 2 might not ever had a firearm for defense. If this incident happened in a more gun-friendly state, the outcome could be VERY different! One thing is for sure, doing it NJ's way by DISARMING THE VICTIM SURE AS HELL DOESN'T WORK!
CLICK HERE for a link to the original story!
Introduction to Firearms and Firearms Safety Program WE NEED YOUR KIDS TO KEEP THE 2ND ALIVE! As part of our ongoing volunteer efforts to educate the public on the safe use of firearms and our 2nd Amendment rights, the Coalition of NJ Firearm Owners (CNJFO) and Union Hill Gun Club present an opportunity for NJ kids to learn firearms safety and to enjoy an day at the range. We invite and welcome girls and boys ages eight (8) to sixteen (16) to participate in a training session designed for those who have never had a chance to handle a firearm. This is a basic safety course, general instruction and operation, and the opportunity to safely fire a variety of .22 caliber firearms. Each student will attend a safety class, and an overall instruction session in a group setting. Afterward, each child will be provided with one-on-one instruction to ensure his or her experience is safe, enjoyable, and informative. The attendance of a parent or legal guardian is required. Registration is NOW OPEN and spots are limited to just (20) kids and their parent/guardian. At just $30 per child, we anticipate a sell-out so check your calendars and sign-up NOW to insure your child's participation. WHAT'S INCLUDED: Instruction, firearms, ammunition, targets, safety equipment for kids only (adults will be given loaners, kids get to keep their gear!), a hot lunch, a bag of swag, prizes, an event T-shirt, and raffles. OUR GOAL:
To introduce the next generation to the family recreational environment offered by Union Hill Gun Club, the wholesome activity of target shooting that families can enjoy together, and to ensure that the future of our 2nd Amendment RIGHTS, our culture and lifestyle is secured. Your child's participation in this event will go a long way towards ensuring these goals. SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES:
Our Youth Shoot Committee Chairman Eric Saperstein would like to hear from any company or individual interested in making a donation of cash, swag, or raffle prizes. Our 501(c)3 status ensures that DONATIONS ARE TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. Donors don't even have to reside in NJ to get the federal tax deduction! Helping future NJ voters learn gun safety is how we stop threats against the 2nd Amendment, so please reach-out & thanks! LOCATION:
Union Hill Gun Club 8 Union Hill Road Monroe, NJ 08831 https://unionhillgunclub.com/ http://www.roctraining.net/
May 29, 2020 @6PM We are limiting attendance to 20 children to ensure personalized instruction, and a safe and family-friendly atmosphere.
Hosted by CNJFO and ROC Training
CNJFO is looking for volunteers to assist with instructing basic rifle at our Youth Day event at Union Hill Gun Club, May 29, 2020. Experience or NRA, USCCA certification as an instructor is preferred, but not required. All we ask for is a positive attitude, sufficient knowledge and experience to handle and use firearms in a safe manner, and a commitment to helping introduce the next generation to the knowledge, skills, and attitude needed to safely and effectively enjoy the shooting sports. In addition to the satisfaction of helping to preserve the Second Amendment, all volunteers will receive a custom Youth Day tee and a hot lunch. Thank You. Visit the Youth Instructor page on Facebook for up-to-the-minute news and updates.
by Black Wire Media Monday Feb. 3, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Anthony Colandro deserves a full 3 year term at the NRA Board of Directors! His independent, take-no-BS style has enabled him to build Gun For Hire, a successful and expanding range business just 15 miles from the heart of the anti-gun bastion known as New York City! His soul is good, his intentions are benevolent, his philanthropic deeds are beyond measure. Colandro runs a top-notch operation, has world-wide appeal with gun owners of every walk of life, and has continuously supported CNJFO from our humble beginnings.
Anthony's DECADES of Second Amendment activism experience, fighting for all of us, with a target on his back, is the thing legends are made of! Leading rallies, testifying for gun owners at hearings held at our state capitol, hosting Tony Simon's Diversity Shoot and the Second Amendment Women Shooting Club--SAW at his range. He never stops fighting!
His in-your-face weekly radio broadcast reaches millions of gun owners nationwide. It is for these and so many more reasons that the Board of Trustees, Executive Committee and rank & file members of New Jersey's most active & agile Second Amendment organization, the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, Inc., proudly endorses Anthony P. Colandro, our 76th NRA Board of Director, for reelection!
Ballots should've arrived by LAST WEEK in your NRA magazine of choice, and those that receive your magazine electronically please sort your mail for a NRA Ballot in your mailbox. 5 Year or Life membership is required to receive a ballot. Colandro is an asset beyond belief, and will continue to help steer the National Rifle Association far into the future! Please cast your BULLET VOTE for Anthony P. Colandro of Woodland Park, NJ!
by Black Wire Media Sunday Feb. 2, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Theresa Inacker, Communications Director here at the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners and the NJ Ambassador of The DC Project, has been invited to speak at the Thursday February 6th meeting of The Well Armed Woman Jersey Shore OC Chapter, held at Garden State Shooting Center (the groups host range) in Lakewood, NJ. The 6:30pm meeting is OPEN TO ANY WOMAN wishing to attend, as this TWAW chapter (one of five in NJ), headed by Chapter Leaders & Heidi Bergmann-Schoch & Jill Dillner, is seeking to expand their membership.
TWAW is the official Host for this dynamic, history-making presentation, as it's the first time TWAW has asked a CNJFO Executive Committee member to speak, and Inacker is thrilled to bring her 2A message to them. Registration for the meeting is FREE and is a MUST! It's limited to the first (13) WOMEN that REGISTER HERE: www.cnjfo.com/event-3721776 . As seating is capped due to prior registration of TWAW chapter members, we ask that only those that CAN attend reserve a seat!
From Chapter co-Leader Heidi Bergmann-Schoch: "We will not have an organized shoot after the meeting that night HOWEVER we will have some gals on the range and it is usually a slow night. Thursday night is Ladies night, so anyone wishing to shoot can rent a lane inexpensively along with specials on ammo and gun rental." Heidi has also arranged for several certified Instructor-volunteers to be on-hand should someone new to firearms wish to experience a safe & friendly range session oozing with TWAW camaraderie! Please join our Theresa ON THE FIRING LINE to receive a CNJFO "Charlie-the-Perp" target as our gift to you for coming!
Inacker is a 2nd Amendment force of nature, prolific writer on all issues 2A, and is just back from Richmond, Virginia, where she & approx. 50,000 2A Patriots stood-up to the grossly unconstitutional laws proposed by Virginia's Governor Ralph Northam. Her talk will cover a full range of 2A subjects with emphasis on the U.S. Constitution and SCOTUS in particular. She'll explain her volunteer position with CNJFO, and provide info on The DC Project as its' New Jersey Ambassador.
The DC Project is a group of 50 women---one from each state---that marches on Washington every summer pounding on the doors of our elected Representatives & US Senators to inform them that women have the right of self defense and to choose the tools necessary to ensure it. Inacker is currently seeking volunteers to do DC Project style "visits" with NJ Legislators.
Wearing many hats, Inacker is an attorney, Mom, AR-15 sporting rifle owner, target shooter, pheasant hunter, former Editor of the Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal and has been admitted to the US Supreme Court Bar. As such she's represented us on broadcast TV, at rallies, and speaking engagements throughout NJ. We congratulate TWAW and Theresa for putting this dynamic program together!
BREAKING! Our precious 2nd Amendment is being defended in a way that all gun owners can get involved in! 2A Sanctuary Status for towns & counties is growing by leaps & bounds, and can't be ignored! All 21 NJ counties have Facebook pages set-up to learn how to get township & county 2A Sanctuary Resolutions passed. Helping is as easy as going to www.nj2asanctuary.com and downloading the Resolutions, signing them, and snail mailing them to your elected officials! Need help? Your printer doesn't work? Just ASK for help & someone will see you get the info & paperwork you need! History is being made this Saturday at a Rio Grande, NJ venue that is hosting SEVERAL counties. Buy a box of ammo & SHOOT FOR FREE (details on county Facebook pages) at this event! Listen to this radio show & GET INVOLVED! And remember to fill out your NRA Board of Director ballot sitting in that pile of mail OR your February NRA magazine...BULLET VOTE ANTHONY COLANDRO FOR NRA BOARD!
CLICK HERE for the podcast!
Copyright 2020 CNJFO, All rights reserved