by John Petrolino for Black Wire Media Sun. Nov. 1, 2020
Mince no words about it, New Jersey is anti-freedom and thus, they are anti Second Amendment. There is a conspiracy between all branches of government and the media, the fourth estate is a co-conspirator in these antics. Any chance they get, they will paint the most grotesque or negative picture they can.
From Patterson New Jersey, October 28, 2020, “The Daily Voice” reported in a headline:
“Paterson PD: Boy, 15, Caught Carrying Pair Of High-Powered Handguns, Magazines, More”
Even at first glance, there is no doubt that this is involving criminal behavior, but that behavior does not let the Patterson PD or “The Daily Voice” off the hook as far as accurate reporting goes. A closer read of the article states:
“A 15-year-old Paterson boy was caught carrying two handguns with large-capacity magazines, authorities said.”
And further:
“Both are 9mm semi-automatic Taurus handguns fitted with fully-loaded high-capacity magazines...”
These biases and optics are carefully crafted and it’s important to take note. The media does everything and anything in their power to associate firearms with a further, often times erroneous, negative connotation.
Granted, this news article would be breezed over by many, as its just another criminal, doing criminal things in New Jersey…Which begs another question, a digression, “Why are 15 year old’s running around with guns in Patterson New Jersey?” What is going on there? And why does Patterson not have their house in order? Sounds like the leadership in Patterson needs to be approached about what is going wrong in their City.
The negative optics in this piece revolve around considering 9mm handguns to be “high-powered”, as the headline tries to hook in uninitiated readers. No place on the planet are 9mm Taurus handguns in any way “high-powered”. Okay, if you’re comparing them to BB guns, also “firearms” in New Jersey, sure. But to every other freedom loving gun owner in America, no. This labeling of the arms as “high-powered” is patently fake, phony, and false.
Also worth exploring is the magazine capacity of the arms being “high-capacity.” Its doubtful that a 15 year old that was illegally concealing two pistols was able to do so with “high-capacity” magazines in the guns. They’d be too long. However, in New Jersey, anything over ten rounds is considered “high-capacity”. More negative optics, as ten rounds is below the threshold of standard capacity in many pistols in The United States. Oftentimes 15 or 17+ rounds are “standard”. The article failed to mention how high the high-capacity of these guns in fact were.
Bravo to Patterson PD and “The Daily Voice.” You have added another piece of false facts into media circulation for those that don’t know any better to consume.
Yes, we did this to start a conversation! What the hell is going-on in the "Hood" of Paterson, NJ that 15 year olds need to carry TWO 9mm hand guns? Gang initiation? Selling a gun illegally? What about the defaced gun with missing serial number being a federal crime with FEDERAL TIME? Will he "give-up" his supplier and get a PLEA DEAL? Is this his first scuffle with the LAW? Is he a hardened criminal with a violent past that's been locked-up before OR did he have to do what he did so a family member wouldn't be murdered? Where is the REAL "Meat & Potatoes" of the story that readers need to know? It's all MISSING! And that leaves the low-education reader to BLAME THE GUN!
Guns are BAD and only bad people and the Cops have GUNZ? See what we did there?
Staffer John Petrolino is an author, writer, and NRA Firearms Instructor. He's "HIGH CAPACITY", and his pieces make you THINK! We're glad to have this Merchant Marine on-board, pointing-out what main stream media outlets seldom, if ever, do. We hope you like his articles as much as we do publishing them. Ammoland, The Truth About Guns, The Shore News Network and other pro-2A outlets are also honored to receive his work.
---The Editor