by Black Wire Media Friday Oct. 30, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Private shooting clubs is where freedom lives! Some say they're "all-in" when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, but it's just words on paper bylaws in a filing cabinet. Others, such as Freehold Fin, Fur and Feather Club, put both their actions AND their wallets into steadfastly protecting it by attending Second Amendment fundraisers and promoting shooting to women and kids. Last Sunday the Coalition had the pleasure of attending a sporting clays match held at their club. Here's the story...
We received the invite from Chris Marron, a club member that had attended our pheasant hunt fundraiser last season at Giberson Farms. He and his squad of bird hunters enjoyed our camaraderie and are impressed by our mission. So the "4F Club" as it's known locally, has been supporting the Coalition for years, we just weren't made aware of it. That is until last week. Marron, having already signed up to attend our Lehigh fundraiser, called to explain and put us in touch with Ray Seborowski, 4F Club's sporting clays chairman. Marron and Seborowski run the sporting clays together, and they talked-up our upcoming fundraiser being held Sunday Nov. 15th at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays to their fellow members, garnering us approx. three squads of four clay crushers each!
We're still registering for our 11-15 Lehigh fundraiser to benefit our lawsuit and general funds, so please join us HERE: www.cnjfo.com/Event-4007823
Ray Seborowski is a retired biology teacher, having taught at Old Bridge HS for decades. An avid bird hunter, he's an "institution" at the 4F Club, and has been a volunteer NJF&W Hunter Education Instructor for generations of NJ hunters. We got to watch him work with new shooters Bridgit and her daughter Mia, as the pair were new to sporting clays (see photos). Firm on safety but gentle on fine adjustments, soft-spoken Ray is a "natural" with women and kids, his many years of experience is both obvious and comforting. Bridgit and Mia broke several targets, with huge smiles of accomplishment as everyone cheered them on.
CNJFO Communications Director Theresa Inacker took Bridgit and daughter Mia aside for some pointers from a woman's perspective.
Inacker loaned Bridgit her padded shooting vest after Bridgit confided she started feeling the recoil as a first-timer. The vest did the trick and Bridgit broke more targets (see photos).
Joining Inacker were CNJFO's Treasurer Jack Pyle and Vice President Dave "Rosey" Rosenthal, who is also Editor in-Chief of Black Wire Media, CNJFO's news organization. The three Coalition executives represent only half of the groups board of trustees, as running NJ's most active 2A group is a 7-days-a-week proposition.
Our three "Dusters & Missers", a phrase coined by Rosenthal that is being printed on sweatshirts given to every shooter at the Nov. 15th Clays event, did more missing than dusting. That didn't affect the camaraderie or FUN as we all enjoyed a crisp fall day in the woods. Presentations included both manually-cocked traps and electrics from multiple angles which offered a real challenge. Ray said it wasn't going to be easy and he was right! Midi-sized clays at treetop level, regulation-sized birds in the deep woods with changing leaves, and utilization of their trap house throwing "crossers" entertained all. 40+ yard rabbit targets thrown as a "simo" (simultaneously) were everyone's nemesis, so we were in fine company! Duster & Misser Pyle had this to say:
"Could have used a turkey choke for those "wraskally wabbits" half a football field away!"---CNJFO's Jack Pyle
Seborowski, an international bird hunter, had three generations of his family at the sporting clays match last Sunday. Both his daughter and grand daughter joined him on the 50-bird course, and his wife Carol, who brought home-made baked goods and pheasant chili to share with all present, was there to cheer every broken target. To say there was a twinkle in grandpop's eyes would be an understatement.
Our trustees were given a tour of 4F Club's 100 yard rifle range, the separate archery range, and were invited to commiserate over missed birds and the governmental overreach coming out of our state capitol. 4F's clubhouse, with its inviting banter and wood burning stove ablaze to take the damp chill out of your bones, is where we learned of the club's annual Boy Scout merit badge day.
The 4F Club hosts an annual hands-on .22 small bore rifle and shotgun merit badge day where the Scouts get to earn their badges by demonstrating safety and proficiency under the watchful eyes of competent instructors. 4F Club also conducts a conservation class by doing a deer skinning demo, teaching today's youth to be the responsible hunters of tomorrow.
Knowing from experience what youth operations cost and how important they are to the future of the 2nd Amendment, CNJFO trustees donated $100 to 4F Club to help offset the increase in ammo expenses to give the badge day. The gift came as a welcome surprise and will be announced at 4F Club's next meeting.
If you would enjoy a visit and a write-up, please contact us. To read more 2A news & views, go to: www.cnjfo.com/News
To JOIN the Coalition, go to: www.cnjfo.com/join-us
To DONATE to our tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit, please visit: www.cnjfo.com/Donate