by Black Wire Media Mon. Oct. 26, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Many first-time gun buyers these days are women, often fearful for their lives due to current events and media coverage of same. Riots, civil unrest, and "the 'Rona" all capture the attention and continue to help manufacture new gun owners by the millions across America, with no end in sight. The old TV news adage, "If it BLEEDS, it LEADS" still applies, and many of New Jersey's estimated 145,000 new gun owners are female.
CNJFO sponsor Richie Kulak, President of Kulak Arms in Lawrence Twp., NJ, enjoys empowering women from all walks of life by selling them firearms and ammo. Kulak proudly breaks the mold of the misogynist gun dealer, thereby getting lots of word-of-mouth advertising from female customers. Kulak started his business dealing with cops and first responders, and their WIVES. Richie is seeing more & more women buying guns from him. It only makes sense. Women TALK and they learn Kulak is a soft-spoken straight shooter, giving common-sense advice that makes his customers happy and keeps them coming back!
Such was the case last Saturday when we visited to drop-off CNJFO brochures and buy a case of birdshot to feed the 20 ga. A mature woman, happy with her recent hand gun purchase, came in for more ammo. Kulak told her to only buy a little because the discounted bulk packs are due-in next week, and she'd SAVE MONEY by waiting. This great news made her even happier to be there! Richie sold her a box so she'd have some, handed her a just-delivered CNJFO brochure (see photo so YOU know where to get one when visiting), and we asked how she felt about being a new gun owner.
"I sleep better at night knowing I can protect myself. The Cops can't be everywhere at once. It's my RIGHT, and although it took me a while to exercise it, I FEEL SAFER knowing it's there "just in-case". I'm empowered now"---Female first-time gun owner
Richie Kulak is a full time LEO that loves the gun culture. He loves it so much so that when he leaves his "day job", he comes home to his Lawrence Twp., NJ basement "bunker" and literally surrounds himself with firearms spanning a 200 year history. Flintlocks to Glocks, he's got it all. Kulak established Kulak Arms in 1996, and up until 2017 his FFL business mostly catered to fellow LEO's and first responders. He "went public" in 2017 and the business "exploded". Kulak is a strong 2A proponent and relies solely on "word-of-mouth" advertising.
Richie spends a lot of time educating the masses on what's needed permit-wise to purchase firearms in NJ. He has folks walking in without a clue, after watching the TV news, thinking they can merely traipse-in and walk out with a firearm. Because the news media makes it all seem so simple. Items such as background checks, mental health check, references, and the entire permitting process & timeline get conveniently left-out by the media as they bang the drum for more & more gun control.
Kulak Arms handles both retail AND Police Dept. sales, gunsmithing, hydro-dipping, machining parts (machinist on staff), NJ compliance work (mag & muzzle pinning), consignments, estate sales, transfers, and hunting & fishing licenses as an official Agent of NJF&W. Kulak Arms is the official FFL doing all transfers for the local Ducks Unlimited chapter, donating his time. CNJFO's sponsor since August, Kulak Arms conducts basic to advanced firearms training. For more info & shop hours, go to: www.kulakarms.com . To view CNJFO's sponsor links, go to: www.cnjfo.com/Links . To read more 2A news, please visit: www.cnjfo.com/news .