by Black Wire Media Fri. Oct. 23, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
No malarkey was being tossed-around at last night's The 2nd is for Everyone: Diversity Shoot Tony Simon held at Heritage Guild's range in Easton, PA. during the Presidential Debate. Just expert advice & instruction from the dedicated volunteers that provide their own firearms to train new shooters from all walks of life. The Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners, NJ's busiest 2nd Amendment organization, provided that instruction with members and supporters led by CNJFO Shows & Community Outreach Committee member Nick Wong. CNJFO has been at nearly every Diversity Shoot Simon has run since its inception, and (no malarkey!) that's five years worth!
Nick brought his 9mm Beretta Storm carbine, and several hand guns for all the attendees to try. Alan Wong (no relation) brought his AR-15 platform pistol caliber carbine with its cool-looking custom paint job, and a dot-sighted semi-auto 9mm pistol that our new shooters found a joy to shoot. Longtime member Angelo Yacone brought his AR-15 chambered in .22LR and other neat guns. One of the volunteers used a full-size 5.56mm AR-15 so everyone got to try that as well. CNJFO's "Charlie-the-Perp" targets were supplied free to all shooters and Heritage supplied the cute Halloween themed "Witch" targets (see photos).
Simon has become sort of an internet sensation as an "Influencer" hosting his own 2A4E podcast and being a guest on several others throughout 2A culture and the gun industry. Last night a couple from Baltimore, MD drove 4.5 hours to get to the Shoot and LOVED IT!
Both Simon and CNJFO Vice President, Dave "Rosey" Rosenthal, addressed the attendees on the importance of the Second Amendment and how fragile it has become and therefore needs protecting by all concerned citizens whether they're gun owners or not.
Simon conducted a Safety Brief for the "Newbies" using a Blue Gun (an inert, non-firing demo for classroom use). Simon and Rosenthal spoke in the upstairs meeting room at Heritage, and pizza & soda was consumed there prior to entering the well-lit indoor firing range. Everyone had a great time and CNJFO signed-up new member Michael Rufo (welcome!).
The next Diversity Shoot is scheduled for November 19th at Heritage Guild in Easton, PA. For further info, go to: www.DIVERSITYSHOOT.com . To learn more about CNJFO's activism and read about all things 2A-related in NJ and around the country, please visit: www.cnjfo.com/News