by Hugh Kearney for Black Wire Media Sun. Aug. 16, 2020
New shooters everywhere, they are non-stop. As a Pink Card holder (Gun Salesman allowed behind the retail counter in NJ), I can pick them out in the first 30 seconds of speaking to them. This is not a bad thing, cause Lord knows I was a new shooter once and have not forgotten that fact. Some Newbies are very interested in picking your brain. Others very sheepish on their approach, but then there are the ones that bring that guy or gal with them. You know the one -- the gun know-it-all that knows everything about guns.
Some first time buyers ask "how do I get a firearm"? Or where do I start? Often they wander in without a clue. No paperwork, no background check, no idea of the process. So I will gladly explain the otherwise tedious task, ridiculous laws and where to go and what to do.
And then the blank stare starts! The 1,000 Yard STARE!
In my previous rant I mentioned I have stories. Here's one we encounter too often. Now, I have been in the business of selling firearms for about 3 years. I take a different approach to sales, it's an investment and it has to work for you. And then you get trained (hopefully). So here we go...
So a guy and gal are at the counter, she has her permit paperwork out on the counter and they are discussing firearms. Now, in my head there is a lot going on, but I don't want to piss anyone off or discourage them, so my inside and outside voice is working here; its really hard sometimes. I keep that "inside voice" locked-up to avoid "problems".
This is a tale of a "gun guy" and a new buyer, a 30-something female. Well here we go again, lol! Every question she asked of me, HE answered.
Every firearm she inquired about, HE said "that's not right" or "NO". On a side note here, it's a goddamn pandemic, lol. Stuff is flying off the shelves, even 40 caliber!
He was clearly pushing ONE gun, cause HE owned it, his bear paws operate it fine, and she should have the same...
So after the 10th question asked of me and answered by him, I said, "young lady, what are you looking to do with this firearm and what's your experience with firearms"? She explains she's brand new to gun ownership, this is her first firearm, she wants it for target shooting and if need be, home defense.
Also to have time with the significant other.
The voice started inside my head: She's a KEEPER knucklehead! -- My inside voice said that! NOT out loud!
I looked at her hand and said, "you're a small to medium grip, and for newer shooters I like a firearm with a safety". After a few more minutes of me speaking and working with her, she ended up with a working firearm that fit her hands.
"I'll take this one" she said. He said are you sure??
"Dude, did you hear anything I just said in the last 10 minutes?" Oh my God, THAT came out, lol!" ---Hugh Kearney, Action Shooter & gun salesman
I only have her safety and being able to use the firearm in her best interest. She told you and demonstrated the grip was no good for HER on a full-sized frame pistol with double column magazine, she's a tiny lady (I was not that blunt, but I'd should have been)!
Moral of the story, let the salesmen do his/her job! Yes I know there are some salespeople that only want to sell top-of-the- line. But guys, not all of us are like that! I have a vested interest in your future in the shooting sports and I want you to be able to use the firearm, no matter the situation and have a good & SAFE time doing so. One size hand gun doesn't fit all the folks that walk into the store. What your boyfriend or husband shoots isn't necessarily a gun that FITS YOU! Fit is important in 2nd & 3rd shots hitting the intended target (this isn't the movies with one-shot stops), as well as recoil management.
I always take time to introduce people to different disciplines in our sport. And I want you to come back and tell me what a good time you had. A gun that fits YOU will work for you. With comfort & control comes safe handling & accuracy.
Hugh Kearney wears many hats. Coming from a security background, he's escorted the famous while working on many details. As an action & tactical shooter, he enjoys USPSA and bowling pin shoots. As a gun salesperson, he's living proof of the 1,000% increase in new gun permit applicants. Today's story is one of many. We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we did editing.
---The Editor