NJ's 2A Groups Send Unified Message-Demanding Accountability in Firearms Permitting, Elimination of State Middle-Man for NICS!
by Black Wire Media Wed. July 1, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
For immediate release!
In an unprecedented bond of unity, New Jersey’s leading Second Amendment organizations have sent a detailed letter to New Jersey’s Governor Murphy, Attorney General Grewal, Superintendent of State Police, Colonel Patrick J. Callahan, and all members of the Legislature proposing reforms to the New Jersey firearms permitting process and background checks. Moreover, the groups are calling for the elimination of qualified immunity for delays in permitting that result in bodily harm or death to the applicant.
"This proactive call for reform comes as riots, looting and general criminal disturbances are on the rise. New Jersey gun owners are calling for accountability of government for delays in the process and an end to systemic infringements. While I support Constitutional carry, this is a great first step toward that goal." ---Theresa Inacker, CNJFO Communications Director
CNJFO spearheaded this unprecedented call for reforms to New Jersey's antiquated firearms background check system which helped lead to the predictable yet totally unnecessary death of Berlin, NJ's Carol Bowne five years ago. Bowne was stabbed to death in her own driveway on day #43 waiting for permission to purchase a firearm. Domestic violence victims need a streamlined permitting system!
Second Amendment entities signing this history-making communication include:
The Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs
Anthony Colandro of Gun For Hire Range
Tony Simon, Founder of The Second is For Everyone (2A4E)
The Women of The DC Project, New Jersey State Delegation
NJ2A Sanctuary
Body of the letter follows:
Governor Philip D. Murphy
225 W State St
Trenton, NJ 08625
Re: Systemic infringements of Gun Rights in New Jersey
Dear Governor Murphy:
New Jersey firearms owners are united in one voice as we request reform in how Police Departments and the New Jersey State Police handle and process firearms permitting in New Jersey. The Second Amendment community has been a longtime supporter of our Law Enforcement personnel, who protect and serve our state. However, applicants for Firearms Purchase Identification Cards, Permits to Purchase Handguns, and Applications for Permits to Carry a Handgun encounter a system wrought with delays, denials and absolutely no accountability. These systemic delays are infringements and violate the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Defunding Police will inevitably result in Police force reductions, which will result in services being even more strained—this includes permitting. Moreover, reduced policing will result in an increase in crime and reduced response times. Thus, we will continue to see an increase in gun ownership as record numbers of new people seek to protect themselves. As you are aware, we have already seen record numbers of new applications over the past few months.
New Jersey firearms owners request the following:
1. Police departments, New Jersey State Police Barracks, the Firearms Unit, County Adjusters, and private contractors be retrained, or reformed as necessary to ensure that applications for Firearms Purchase Identification Cards and Permits to Purchase a Handgun are timely processed, including maximizing coordination among the various agencies and providers of information so that the 30 day processing time frame required by 2C:58-3 is never exceeded due to the action or inaction of a New Jersey governmental agency (State or local) or any private contractor of such agency.
2. Remove Qualified Immunity for Police Departments, officers, and municipalities where there is a delay in permitting beyond 30 days processing time frame required by 2C:58-3, not attributable to a non-New Jersey agency, resulting in death or bodily harm for the applicant. Recall the case of Carol Bowne who was murdered at the hands of her attacker more than 30 days after she applied for her Firearms Purchase Identification Card. She inquired about the status of her delayed permits on Day 41-she was senselessly murdered on Day 43. See more:
3. Remove the State Police as a Point of Contact under the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (“NICS”), so that FFLs may contact the federal NICS portal directly, resulting in 24/7 service versus the current limited service provided by the State Police, which is only Monday through Saturday and not on state holidays. This will result in savings to taxpayers, improved access to NICS checks, and the elimination of wasteful duplicative, and dilatory processing through the State.
Our right to self-defense and preservation of life is a human right and it shall not be taken by any other individual or government. We will no longer be complicit in the degradation and diminution of our own rights.
The Second Amendment Community is a diverse one, crossing all facets of humanity, notwithstanding color, gender, politics, religion or any other identity. We are the diverse community who attends hearings and testifies, files litigation, submits to background checks in every stage of the process. We are the law-abiding, the ones who refuse to be victims, the ones who refuse to be strong-armed out of their safety, security of persons and property.
We request reforms of the systemic infringement, the end to qualified immunity for permitting violations and accountability of government in this process.
In liberty,
The Coalition of New Jersey Firearms Owners (CNJFO)
The Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC)
Anthony Colandro, Gun For Hire Woodland Park Range
Tony Simon, Founder, The Second is For Everyone (2A4E)
The Women of The DC Project, New Jersey State Delegation
NJ2A Sanctuary