Kudos to Scott Bach, Kathy Chatterton & Dan Schmutter at ANJRPC!
by Black Wire Media Sat. June 13, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
ANJRPC Executive Vice President Anthony "Gun For Hire" Colandro reported late Friday afternoon that the Association of New Jersey Rifle & Pistol Clubs did successfully file a Federal lawsuit in NJ District Court yesterday to OPEN NJ INDOOR RANGES! NJ Governor Murphy seems to always wait for a lawsuit to be filed before he agrees to let gun related businesses (and the NJ NICS portal & firearms permit fingerprinting---stories that we broke) to reopen! Here's hoping for a desirable outcome and thanks to everyone at the NRA & ANJRPC that helped make this happen!
"The 2nd Amendment isn't just about gun POSSESSION. The Founders used the term "WELL REGULATED" in our precious Constitution. It literally means: Having a rifle, sufficient ball, powder, patches, flints, possibles bag, accoutrements, hard tac (survival food), bed roll, etc., and BE SUFFICIENTLY PRACTICED to hit what you're aiming at, and be able to be called upon to serve in short notice. "Minuteman" came from this. Amateur historians and Rev War reenactors KNOW this definition. So do originalist Judges!" ---Dave "Rosey" Rosenthal, CNJFO VP & Reenactor
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