by Dave "Rosey" Rosenthal for Black Wire Media
Tuesday April 7, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Our 2A loathing Tyrant in-Chief, NJ Gov. Phil Murphy, has once again shut down all non-essential businesses with the stroke of his pen via Executive Order. This newest EO extends his original one, which technically expired today, thus giving NJ residents another 30 days to contemplate suing his administration to reopen public and private shooting ranges & clubs with the proviso that "social distancing" is practiced. Today's EO also shuts down access to all county & NJ state parks throughout both park systems. So the kettle got left on the fire and Murphy just turned the heat up. Where will people go to recreate so they can catch a break from the COVID-induced monotony?
Bad situations on the Homefront get magnified when folks are forced to be under the same roof. Domestic problems that lead to abuse don't simply disappear, they multiply. Mayberry & Paradise aren't reality. Gimmie all your rights, and sit home & do what your told is akin to gasoline & a match...
Social media and blogging sites are ablaze with disgust in regard to blatant rights denial covering a handful of Amendments, not just the Second. Assembly, a free Press, Taking property, religious exercise, interstate commerce, etc., etc., AND his blatant multiple attacks on our Second Amendment. Closing ranges, closing gun stores, shutting down fingerprinting (we broke the story---now back up) and NICS background check portal (also reactivated after a BIG stink). GIMMIE ALL YOUR RIGHTS!
Thousands of new gun owners, some who have never fired a gun, are being discriminated against. They have nowhere to practice. How can THAT be safe? Or is it part of the Master Plan of total disarmament, where a bunch of incidents get blamed on "reckless gun owners", adding more fuel to the Moms Demand Karen's fire? GIMMIE ALL YOUR RIGHTS!
If I can be trusted to not squeeze the Charmin as I put it in my shopping cart, why can't we all be trusted to maintain 6 feet between shooters at a range? ---Dave Rosenthal
In January of last year I spoke at the NJ Constitutional Republicans on the hidden INCREMENTALISM of NJ gun law and cited examples of what I went through in my lifetime these last 48 years behind the trigger: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KZxOMgpPoyE
"No longer an academic debate; any and all permitting schemes by which the state sells a citizen back their inherent right, is plainly unconstitutional. It is, now in practice, the mechanism by which the exact civil service mandarin- in the person of Phil Murphy - the founders warned us about, and the roadblock by which the law abiding citizens of New Jersey are denied their liberty and personal safety." ---Michael Taylor
How much longer can the kettle boil & what's down the road?
GIMMIE ALL YOUR RIGHTS is gettin' a little old these days!
Rosey is a student of the gun, owns & uses all platforms, has participated in action shooting leagues, is Match Director of the Police Pistol Competition at Old Bridge R&P Club, mentors youth & women shooters and runs our Sporting Clays, Hog Hunts & Pheasant Hunt fundraisers. As CNJFO's VP, he helps in all committees. He's also our Editor in-Chief. We hope you enjoy his ramblings.