by Black Wire Media Mon. April 6, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
We're going through a very historic time in our culture. Millions of new gun owners nationwide are arming themselves without firing a shot. Thousands here in New Jersey. A lot of them are women who never fired a gun before. Our Governor closed all of the shooting ranges, clubs, etc., and also played havoc with firearms permit fingerprinting. This has resulted of an influx of new shooters who will be looking to live fire when the ranges reopen and we can get closer then 6 feet to a student. It also means there's a lot of testosteronal males out there looking to "put on a Show" as the Alpha Male. Here's why the guys should tone it down a bit...
The set-up for the story: This quote came from a commercial range RSO in Kali. An eyewitness account of macho in action. It could have come from anywhere. Those of us that have been around awhile have all witnessed a form of this ourselves to some degree. So enjoy the story and remember we were all beginners at some point!
" A young jock and his girlfriend came in. He was telling her how much she's gonna suck and how he's gonna outshoot her. "You probably won't even hit the target." This didn't sit well with me because she was already nervous and flinched every time a shot went off, and we were still out in the lobby.
So I told him "She's gonna outshoot you today." He scoffed and asked why I thought that. "Because I'm gonna teach her." He laughed and said "Fine, loser pays the bill." Instead of my 2-minute start class, I gave her about ten minutes of my attention. There was nobody else in line, so I could afford to do this. I gave her the basics - sight alignment, sight picture, breathing, trigger control, focus on the target, etc etc.
An hour later they came off the line, and she was holding her target, all excited, saying "look I got three headshots!" and just generally giddy. He was as quiet as a **expletive** church mouse while he paid the bill."
When this pandemic is over, the Newbies will need to be trained safely & diligently. The best way to do that is to have them take classes, join a group, league or club that offers a fun & educational environment. One where everyone can relax & learn without a macho contest.
Women can seek female instructors at clubs such as The Well Armed Woman, NJ's largest all-female shooting organization, www.twawshootingchapters.org , with several local chapters throughout NJ. Gun For Hire in Woodland Park, NJ hosts both the Second Amendment Women Shooting Club, http://sawshootingclub.com and Tony Simon's The 2nd is for Everyone Diversity Shoot, www.DiversityShoot.com . Our model Rhiannon Teng is shooting a M1-A in 7.62 x 51 caliber. A CNJFO Life Member, NRA Certified Instructor and volunteer at the Diversity Shoot, Teng is proficient in all 3 popular platforms. The Diversity Shoot caters to all walks of life and has a zero discrimination policy, so all are invited.
Local ranges throughout the state also have their own unaffiliated programs offering excellent instructors. When this emergency is over, those small businesses are going to need your support! Please plan on getting some trigger time with your new firearms and welcome to "the gun culture". We're your friends, relatives, fellow church goers, neighbors, people JUST LIKE YOU, concerned for their personal safety & that of our families too! Be SAFE always!
---The Editors