by Theresa Inacker for Black Wire Media Wed. March 18, 2020 www.cnjfo.com/join-us
Part Three of a Series: WHO TOOK ALL YOUR RIGHTS AWAY?
As some of the most infringed gun owners in the country, New Jersey gun owners are starting to see that the COV -19 situation will be used as an excuse by towns to delay, and deny access to the firearms permitting process. We have already seen that the City of New Brunswick has advised they will no longer process the required paperwork.
Thankfully, ANJRPC (NJ's state NRA Association) has issued a stern warning to municipalities that this will not be tolerated! Here's the link to ANJRPC's official statement, with quotes from lead Counsel Dan Schmutter and Executive Director Scott Bach: www.anjrpc.org/…/ANJRPCWarnsTownsOnShutdownofFirearmsPermit…
James Madison is quoted as saying “crisis is the rallying cry of the tyrant. “ Emergency situations are ripe for abuse of power. What is most dangerous here in New Jersey is that the entire permitting scheme itself, over a half-century in the making, is a systemic abuse of power, even without an emergency situation. This COV-19 situation has the potential to be as devastating to liberty as throwing gasoline onto a raging fire.
In New Jersey, when it comes to firearms ownership, we have been warned by our own courts that we “own a firearm at our own peril.” See STATE OF N.J. V. JOSEPH PELLETERI (1996). What statement could possibly contradict “shall not be infringed“ more squarely?
We do own firearms at our own peril in New Jersey, as we never know what steps the overreaching state government will take next. One does not even need to use the imagination, but merely recall what happened to gun owners during hurricane Katrina: confiscation! The government kicked the 2nd Amendment to the curb and CONFISCATED lawfully owned firearms from innocent civilians at gunpoint. Those firearms were ILLEGALLY confiscated, no receipts were given, and many were never returned to the rightful owners.
If the towns can no longer process firearms paperwork as required by state statute, then perhaps they need not enforce the entire permitting scheme altogether, thereby providing New Jersey gun owners Constitutional carry. Dare I say, in New Jersey that is much less likely to happen than confiscation at gunpoint.
Theresa Inacker is an attorney, Mom, AR-15 sporting rifle owner, target shooter, pheasant hunter, former Editor of the Seton Hall Constitutional Law Journal and has been admitted to the US Supreme Court Bar. As our Communications Director she's represented us on broadcast TV, at rallies, and speaking engagements throughout NJ. We welcome her insight & perspective. We hope you absorb this example of her thought-provoking analysis. Enjoy the read!
---The Editors