by Black Wire Media Monday April 29, 2019
CNJFO members Jacquelyn Reid and Lorraine Crescimanno, both members of The Well Armed Woman, a national group responsible for training thousands of women how to safely & effectively use firearms in self-defense, are shown here teaming up to harvest one hog each & field dress Reid's hog. Reid is a Chapter Leader in both NJ & PA and Crescimanno is a NRA Range Safety Officer at her PA Chapter.
A dozen additional hunters, all of whom are Coalition members and/or supporters, joined this sharpshooting duo for the fundraiser, but only Reid & Crescimanno field dressed a harvest. Lorraine's husband Len harvested his own hog, and caught up with the two ladies as fellow hunter & CNJFO member Christopher Quaglin videotaped the pair field dressing Reid's hog. Quaglin also shot the harvest video seen in yesterday's story. Ed Rucki wasn't camera shy either, and displayed his AR-10 (.308) & Ruger .454 Casull sidearm he used next to his harvest.
Wild weeds 10 feet high, trees crashing to the ground in heavy wind gusts after a bad rainstorm and a tornado watch the day before, heavy brush you can't see through & boot-sucking mud to slog through on a 150 acre island in the middle of the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, PA. Perfect conditions for a challenging, end-of-season Hog Hunt fundraiser to benefit CNJFO's mission of providing 2nd Amendment education & awareness!
Every hunter received a complimentary Goody Bag filled with useful gifts from NRA's newest member of its' Board of Directors, Anthony Colandro, owner of Gun For Hire's Woodland Park Range in Woodland Park, NJ. Gun For Hire is a Platinum Sponsor, supplying Goody Bags at all of our fundraisers!
A prize raffle was held on the island during a lunch of previously Hog Hunt-ed brats & chips. Sponsored by NRA-ILA, Henry Repeating Arms, NJ Concealment Furniture, ANJRPC, Bullet Branch Cigar Humidors, and CNJFO. Eight hogs were delivered to CNJFO sponsor V. Roche & Son Butchers in Whitehouse Station, NJ for their expert processing & smoking, and are due back to our hunters in 2-3 weeks.
Thanks to all of our hunters for your trust & continued support in our endeavors to enlighten the public about their loss of rights and why we need to ban together to defeat the Anti's! From our house to yours, enjoy your harvests & GOOD EATING!