by Black Wire Media Thursday August 8, 2019
CNJFO Communications Director Theresa Inacker asked the only pro-gun, pro 2nd Amendment question of the entire national broadcast on last night's CNN Town Hall "America Under Assault: The Gun Crisis" hosted by Chris Cuomo! Inacker asked Cuomo and the panel of 2 consisting of the former Philadelphia, PA Police Commissioner and a Brady campaign spokesperson, "Do you believe a woman has a right to chose whether or not to defend her own body? And in the manner she chooses? And the government should NOT interfere with that decision?" Inacker's question caught all three men off-guard, with the Police Commissioner agreeing that deadly force is sometimes necessary and Cuomo admitting he owned a gun!
Last night's appearance on CNN came about because an assistant producer at the network sought-out CNJFO Vice President David "Rosey" Rosenthal, asking him to appear on the Town Hall and invited Rosenthal to submit three questions for the panelists. Rosenthal, realizing that Inacker stood a better chance of "making AIR" (getting to ask a question), immediately asked the assistant producer if Inacker could attend in his place. The end result is they both were invited & submitted questions on an electronic form, in advance of the show airing. Although all three of his questions remain unasked, here is what Rosenthal submitted:
1. "If the next five unconstitutional gun laws stop the problem of mass shootings and murder WILL YOU STOP promoting gun control?"
2. "Who exactly is going door-to-door to confiscate legally-purchased personal property in the name of "feel-good legislation" and are the criminals that use illegal guns against society going to be visited FIRST or will the legal, law-abiding, registered gun owners be disarmed and made vulnerable to the criminal element? In what Utopia is this scheme going to work?"
3. "There's over 20,000 gun control laws on the books throughout America. Crafted mostly by Politicians that say things like this, "What makes guns so special, we vote on things we know nothing about all the time!" --NJ State Senator Loretta Weinberg direct quote. So when do we start having a serious discussion whereby the law-abiding gun owner isn't locked-up because a new law makes them an instant felon before the ink is dry?"
In addition to Inacker and Rosenthal, CNJFO President Matt Andras was in the audience sandwiched between a slew of "Brady Campaign" paid lobbyists. Andras and Rosenthal tried to drive to Tony Simon's house (CNJFO got him an official invite also), but due to torrential rains & flooded streets, couldn't pick up Simon to drive to NYC.
Representing a pro-2nd Amendment viewpoint on the national stage is both an honor and an awesome responsibility. The Coalition will always strive to represent legal, law-abiding gun owners everywhere. As a federal & NJ state non-profit, tax-exempt corporation we can accept gifts in any amount from all 50 states. We NEED YOUR HELP TO WIN, so please consider a monthly planned gift, a one-time donation, or a membership in NJ's busiest 2nd Amendment group by visiting
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