Op-Ed by CNJFO Life Member Mark Levy for Black Wire Media Sunday September 2, 2019
FACT: The thing that Progressives fear the most is responsibility. The essence of owning and carrying a weapon is taking responsibility for one's own protection; this throws into question the whole belief system of BEING a progressive and their abdicating and giving that responsibility to their substitute parent: the state.
Progressives are so afraid of everything and everyone in the world, but mostly they’re afraid of themselves and the decisions they’re forced to make, that they PROJECT that fear onto everyone else; with typical, personal, hateful invective. "Commonsense" firearms laws are anything but, and the hypocritical implication is that if you don't support them, you don't have "common sense". In reality those screeching loudly are the most lacking in it-completely unable to see the logical fallacy of their argument.
Progressives believe that if even THEY can’t be trusted to act responsibly should they step even one itsy, bitsy, tippy-toe into the seductive penumbra of a firearm’s awesome allure, then *gasp*, what chance do the rest of us have in not going berserk in blind, murderous madness at the behest of our evil inanimate masters?
Progressives dwell in perpetual self-doubt and self-loathing. Deeply ashamed of themselves and afraid of free will- they ridicule others, passive aggressively denigrate civil rights activists, and aim to restrict their Natural right to self-defense.
There is no "interpretation" of natural rights-you either have them, or you don't.
Every single day I thank God that these Progressives are unarmed, because their angry, brutal resentment of their fellow citizens makes them a very dangerous group-even though it's likely that a good majority of them couldn't pass a background check to begin with. Their deluded paranoia comes from a deeply rooted phobia of inadequacy, and delusion with reality.
It’s not about crime. It’s not about safety. It’s not about firearms freedoms supporters and it’s not even really about the guns. It’s about progressives themselves: angry and aghast at their abandonment of their own personal responsibilities. So they will attempt to bully, intimidate, and lash out with shameless bigotry.
Anti-gun individuals are not in fact "anti-gun", they are very much pro-gun, so long as the guns are in the hands of the "proper authorities". This means the police. Very pro-gun, they just want someone else to hold the guns for them. This is not only hypocritical, but immoral.
"Expecting other people to risk their lives to save yours cannot be morally supported: if you believe it is reprehensible to posses the means and will to use lethal force to repel a criminal assault, how can you call upon another to do so for you? Because that is her job and we pay her to do it? Because your life is of incalculable value, but hers is only worth the $60,000 yearly salary we pay her? If your life is worth protecting, whose responsibility is it to protect it?"
It is offensive and hypocritical to expect another human being to abdicate their safety to "the State"-when the State has absolutely no obligation whatsoever to protect you.
"Reasonable" gun control is an oxymoron, relatable only to those who call for it-we've had more restrictions and made more concessions on firearms ownership and rights of self-defense over the course of the last 50 years than any other. The "public safety" implication is a ruse, only meant to garner support by the willfully ignorant, or blatantly untruthful: there are other rights which assuredly have "public safety" concerns: All of the constitutional provisions that impose restrictions on law enforcement and on the prosecution of crimes fall into the same category.
The fictitious utopia promised by GunBigots is one which relies on "just one more" law, "just one more" restriction, and time and again we've seen the folly of that come to fruition-which is the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
It's easy to pontificate about gun control from atop Mt Pious-deliberately ignoring reality, and in the case of those who have a vocal outlet to call for it, while also possessing the means to fund their own security-it is the height of arrogance.
It continues to beg the question: Are Progressives stupid, or liars?
Mark Levy is a well-known prolific writer on multiple Facebook "gun pages". His cut-thru-the-BS, hard-hitting thoughts that he wrote YEARS ago never rung more true than they do TODAY! This piece could have been written yesterday. It's that TIMELESS and as such is well worth reading & re-reading. We're honored to publish this Op-Ed and hope to hear more from Levy as the mood strikes him. We hope our readership feels the same and SHARES this Tommy-Gun --ASSAULT-WEAPON-- carrying then 13 year old's picture & Gun Control expose.