by Eric Saperstein for Black Wire Media Monday Oct. 7, 2019
Something to remember. All gun control is racist and anti-Semitic. That means ALL! I have no interest in hearing I support 2A "BUT" ... there are no BUTS in rights!!
"I'm not against Jews they can practice their religion freely but shouldn't be allowed to control the banks or work in finance."
You sound as follows: "I support Black freedom but they should not be able to own land or vote ... that doesn't effect their freedom".
"I support the 2A BUT those scary black rifles should be banned." ---spoken by the gun owning "Butter-s"
You're a racist ... anti-Semitic ... anti liberty FOOL ... get it?
Let’s dispense the rhetoric and banter for a moment. Supremacy is best repressed by equality, and equality is established by the availability of equal force. Force may equate to many things, physical, financial, legal, education, and access to resources required to survive such as food and water. Now relax, I’m not about to go on some sorta socialist rampage, I’m a capitalist at heart and our focus here and now is equal access to firearms and the right to bear them as a foundation for all rights.
Equality is best maintained by each individual’s willingness to defend their own self, family, community, and nation from enemies foreign and domestic. I believe in our nation, love my country, but I see its potential for flaw and its history as it actually played out. I believe in "We the People" and that we is defined as the entire species of featherless bipeds or carbon based sacks of mostly water, however you want to describe us we are humans. I'll demonstrate my disdain for bigotry by offending you all equally.
Firearms are the greatest equalization factor when it comes to preventing oppression and suspending attempts to establish supremacy between any known human demographic. The logic here is that when we are all equally armed, we are all equally balanced and safe. In contrast when one demographic is deprived of arms they become immediately subservient to those who maintain the ability to enforce their will.
Let’s take on one thread for now, a brief history of our nation’s racist “gun control” actions and the motives against blacks. (I’ll go on a rant for Jews later …) We’re gonna jump around in the timeline, this is gonna be a little Tarantinoish!
I’m just gonna openly snag this from Tony Simon – “1620 the first gun control laws were passed in the colony of Virginia banning blacks from owning firearms. They didn't want the African slaves that arrived in 1619 arming themselves and escaping. 50 years of "equal rights" does not erase 400 years of history. The United States has historically failed to live up to its lofty creed that "all men are created equal ". We have made amazing strides towards achieving this goal but it can easily be taken away by allowing our civil rights to be infringed upon.”
As our nation’s civil war came to an end in 1865 with the surrender of the Confederacy, one of our greatest proponents of the right to bear arms stepped up. Frederick Douglass urged federal action to stop state and local infringement of the right to arms. Until this was accomplished, Douglass argued, “the work of the abolitionists is not finished.”
At this time many Southern states employed statues impacting and specifically targeting freed slaves … whom Douglas continued, “were forbidden to own or bear firearms, and thus were rendered defenseless against assault.” Are you getting the idea? I’ll spell it out – disarm the black folk so the white supremacists can reign terror at will.
This is our history ladies and gentleman, the great United States has a dark and dreary period that we must never allow to return. The result of Douglas’s actions, and many other abolitionists, delivered the Freedmen’s Bureau Bill of 1865, the Civil Rights Act of 1866, and the Civil Rights Act of 1870. All of these established and guaranteed all people’s equal rights of self-defense. Adding weight, the 14th Amendment, ratified in 1868, made the Second Amendment applicable to the states.
So what happens next? We now have an amendment that requires racial equality so creative supremacy and discrimination begins and suppression (aka gun control) takes on cute neutrally-worded laws for discriminatory application. Tennessee and Arkansas prohibited handguns that freedmen could afford, while allowing expensive “Army & Navy” handguns, which ex-Confederate officers already owned. Later in our timeline, remember the term “Saturday Night Special?” … remember when we attacked those to ban them for our safety? Think about it …
This concept will go on and on so let’s skip forward – Do you remember when Dr. King lead his march for voter registration in Mississippi? His Deacons for Defense and Justice provided armed security. Did you know Dr. King was denied a permit to carry a handgun? Do you know why Reagan signed the Mulford act in California in 1967? Because the Black Panthers presented themselves at the capital openly armed.
Just a citation - Charles Cobb’s excellent book, "This Nonviolent Stuff’ll Get You Killed: How Guns Made the Civil Rights Movement Possible" describes how pacifist community organizers from the North learned to accept the armed protection of their black, rural communities. (I stole that description from somewhere …)
In 2010's McDonald v. City of Chicago case, Justice Clarence Thomas’s opinion reinforced that gun control equates to race control. Separating our broad right to subvert direct tyranny from our right to self-defense … our government displays the inability to secure public safety yet denies the individual the means to accomplish this end. Chicago’s daily death list is out for display on the nightly news. (I’m gonna add Baltimore MD, Camden, NJ, DC, NYC, etc …) Suppression manifests in such regions by removing the personal right to self-protection where its actually needed the most (high crime areas plagued by street gangs AND politicians that propose "FEEL-GOOD" legislation)!
And back to Mr. Simon for the close … “The founders knew government needed to be held accountable by "We the people " and to do so we needed to be armed. Politicians and the media are pushing civilian disarmament and attacking the 2nd Amendment and civilian firearms ownership on every level. They are using fear, misdirection, propaganda and bald faced lies to convince Americans that we will be "safer" disarmed. Look at our history and ask yourself WHY!?
Me again … Backwards and forwards in our nation’s timeline presents again and again – all missions to disarm our citizens manifest in an attempt to represses some or all of our people. We are citizens, not subjects, so start acting like it! No ... BUTS ... no more BS ... the only open discussion here is the concept of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED"!
"When has being disarmed by the American government ever been safe for the disarmed?"
Saperstein is a registered Pink Card holder with NJSP. A "Pink Card" is a license to SELL firearms in a retail establishment here in NJ. Saperstein has a knack for doing that, and can literally convince someone they NEED an AR-15 when all they came into the store for was gun cleaner! His analogies are his own and bear no ill will towards ANY subject group mentioned in the above article. Thought-provoking, gripping, and with his reticle pointed squarely at the "BUTTER-S", his somewhat IN-YOUR-FACE style is meant to MAKE YOU THINK! We hope you enjoy his viewpoint of UNIFICATION.
---The Editors